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OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration with WSO2 Identity Server

This blog post is about OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration specified in and how to register your Application with the WSO2 Identity Server dynamically.

Initially, we have to discover the end user's OpenID provider using OpenID discovery before we are able to use any OAuth service in our Application.

Step 1: Discovery

In order to do that we must send a request to the OpenID Connect Discovery endpoint specified in using WebFinger

WebFinger allows to discover about any entity on the Internet that are identified by a URI that uses standard HTTP. It returns a JSON object which is referred to as JRD (JSON Resource Descriptor).

OpenID Connect Discovery is,


Since we do not have an access token we can use the admin credentials to the WSO2 Identity Server to send the request as all endpoints of the Identity Server are secured with Basic Authentication.

Following information is required to make the request. 

resource - Identifier for the target end user that is the subject of the discovery request. 
HostServer - Where the WebFinger is hosted.
rel - URI identifying the type of service whose location is being requested.


curl -v -k --user admin:admin https://localhost:9443/.well-known/webfinger?resource='acct:admin@localhost&rel='

Response - 


Obtaining the set of Claims about the OpenID Provider

Use the above received href and append /.well-known/openid-configuration to it in order to obtain the set of Claims about the OpenID Provider's configuration, including all necessary endpoints and public key location information.

Request -

curl -v -k --user admin:admin https://localhost:9443/oauth2/oidcdiscovery/.well-known/openid-configuration

Response - 

"response_types_supported":["id_token token","code","id_token","token"],

OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration

Step 2:
After discovering the Client Registration Endpoint, Application should send a HTTP POST request to the Client Registration Endpoint as below with the client details.

Request -

curl -v -k --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"redirect_uris": ["https://localhost:9443/callback"],"client_name": "TestApplication","ext_param_owner":"test_owner","grant_types": ["password"]}' https://localhost:9443/identity/connect/register 

Here the grant types can be any of the below,

  • authorization_code
  • implicit
  • password
  • client_credentials
  • refresh_token

Response -

If the Client is registered successfully server will respond with a 201 CREATED.


If the registration fails, it will return a 400 Bad Request with the error description as follows.

"error": "invalid_redirect_uri",
"error_description": "One or more redirect_uri values are invalid"



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