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Data-tables over traditional HTML tables

This blog post is about using datatables v0.5 ( with Angular 1. We can easily feed data using angular into a datatable from which is built using jQuery.

Why data-tables ?

There are many benefits of using data-tables. 

  • One major benefit is if you are not a UI/UX person, and don't want to spend much time styling, you can still give users a good experience by just including a data table.
  • You will not have to put effot into implementing search or sort. It is by default provided. 


In order to use datatables you will need the following dependencies to be added to your project.


You can use npm, bower or the cdns to include these in your project.

When using the bower component for angular-datatables I encountered a problem since the datatables we are using is an old version. To get over that, I have used the CDN for angular-datatables.

After adding the dependencies, they should be linked to the index.html as follows.

 <script src="./bower_components/jQuery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>  
 <script src="./bower_components/"></script>  
 <script src="./bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>=  
 <script src=""></script>  
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">  

Be mindful to follow the order as above.

Angular module

When registering the angular module, datatables dependency should be injected as below.

 var myApp = angular.module('inward', [  

Angular Controller

Following is the code for the controller.

 myApp.controller('DataCtrl', getData);  
 function getData() {  
   var vm = this;  
   var persons = [{  
     "id": 860,  
     "firstName": "Mary",  
     "lastName": "Jane"  
   }, {  
     "id": 870,  
     "firstName": "Tony",  
     "lastName": "Stark"  
   }, {  
     "id": 590,  
     "firstName": "Darth",  
     "lastName": "Wader"  
   }, {  
     "id": 803,  
     "firstName": "Bruce",  
     "lastName": "Wayne"  
   }, {  
     "id": 857,  
     "firstName": "Matthew",  
     "lastName": "Murdock"  
   vm.persons = persons;  

Persons array is what we will be feeding to the data table.

HTML view

Now the above controller will be bound to the view as follows.

 <div class="col-xs-12">  
   <div class="card">  
     <div class="card-body" ng-controller="DataCtrl as showCase">  
       <!--<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Add new ward</button>-->  
       <table datatable="ng" class="datatable table table-striped primary dataTable no-footer" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="DataTables_Table_0" role="grid" aria-describedby="DataTables_Table_0_info" style="width: 100%;">  
         <tr role="row">  
           <th tabindex="0" aria-controls="DataTables_Table_0" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 142px;">ID</th>  
           <th tabindex="0" aria-controls="DataTables_Table_0" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 223px;">First Name</th>  
           <th tabindex="0" aria-controls="DataTables_Table_0" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 105px;">Last Name</th>  
         <tr role="row" ng-repeat="person in showCase.persons">  
           <td>{{ }}</td>  
           <td>{{ person.firstName }}</td>  
           <td>{{ person.lastName }}</td>  

Finally, the data table will be shown in the view. It will automatically search and sort without requiring any code to be written.


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