Sri Lanka Army Commando Regiment has established several projects for the civil people.
Following table shows the information about the projects.
Project Type Description Registration Fee Monthly Fee
POOl Swimming 2000/= 1000/=
P002 Psychology 3500/= 1000/=
P003 Counseling 9000/= 1000/=
P004 Gym 1500/= 800/=
a) Write a program to allow the user to enter the project type and the status of the user (RRegistered/
New User - N). A new user needs to pay an additional registration fee. Find the
total price of the whole year for the selection. You should se nested selection statements.
Save your program as Prg2.cpp
b) Modify your program to display an error messages;
• "Invalid Project Type", if the user inputs a wr ng product type which is not
available in the list.
• "Invalid Status", if the user inputs a wrong letter c s status.
c) Modify the program to handle many inputs. After displayin the total price, the program
should display a prompt "Do you have more data?". If the us r inputs "y" or "Y", program
should ask for the next project type and the status. If the us r inputs "n" or "N", program
should terminate.
(SLIIT-IPE-Final Examination-2013-2b)
Source code-
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main ()
char type[3],status,cont;
float tot;
cout<<"Enter the project type: ";
cout<<"status of the user(R-Registered/N-Non Registered): ";
int type1=strcmp(type,"P001");
int type2=strcmp(type,"P002");
int type3=strcmp(type,"P003");
int type4=strcmp(type,"P004");
if (status=='R')
if (type1==0 || type2==0 || type3==0 )
Following table shows the information about the projects.
Project Type Description Registration Fee Monthly Fee
POOl Swimming 2000/= 1000/=
P002 Psychology 3500/= 1000/=
P003 Counseling 9000/= 1000/=
P004 Gym 1500/= 800/=
a) Write a program to allow the user to enter the project type and the status of the user (RRegistered/
New User - N). A new user needs to pay an additional registration fee. Find the
total price of the whole year for the selection. You should se nested selection statements.
Save your program as Prg2.cpp
b) Modify your program to display an error messages;
• "Invalid Project Type", if the user inputs a wr ng product type which is not
available in the list.
• "Invalid Status", if the user inputs a wrong letter c s status.
c) Modify the program to handle many inputs. After displayin the total price, the program
should display a prompt "Do you have more data?". If the us r inputs "y" or "Y", program
should ask for the next project type and the status. If the us r inputs "n" or "N", program
should terminate.
(SLIIT-IPE-Final Examination-2013-2b)
Source code-
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main ()
char type[3],status,cont;
float tot;
cout<<"Enter the project type: ";
cout<<"status of the user(R-Registered/N-Non Registered): ";
int type1=strcmp(type,"P001");
int type2=strcmp(type,"P002");
int type3=strcmp(type,"P003");
int type4=strcmp(type,"P004");
if (status=='R')
if (type1==0 || type2==0 || type3==0 )
else if (type4==0)
cout<<"Invalid Project type: "<<endl;
else if (status=='N')
if (type1==0)
else if (type2==0)
else if (type3==0)
else if (type4==0)
cout<<"Invalid Project type: "<<endl;
cout<<"Invalid Project Type"<<endl;
cout<<"Do you want to continue?(y/n)"<<endl;
return 0;
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